Sunday, July 17, 2011

What a great feeling...

I am feeling like I can keep going and it is almost 11pm. That is something for me because I usually am sleeping before 9pm. Cleaning was not a priority tonight though, I wanted to work on me. I did P90X chest and back, this may be the first time that I completed the workout all the way through. I was so proud because as much as I wanted to say tomorrow I will, I didn't. Tomorrow never comes and that is so disappointing so I just pushed play. Hoping for a marvelous monday tomorrow, with at least 10 min of exercise and some healthy eating.

Baby steps... that is what I am taking

Losing weight, and more importantly being healthy is such a hard thing to do in this crazy life. I have started once again on this journey yesterday, my 27th birthday and hopefuly on my 28th I will feel younger then when I was 10 years younger. I am seriously doing baby steps. Step one exercise AT LEAST 10 minutes everyday and pay attention to my eating habits. I have done Zumba for the past two days, I love it because it is fun and they were only 20 min workouts. That I can handle. I can physically handle going for longer then 20 min but talking my lovely two year old into letting her mother workout is not an easy task, and staying up late is a big challenge for me right now. I am exhausted with little energy to spare. Yay for me for starting, that is the biggest step.